Tis the season to give back to our customers! + Tröegs Independent Brewing MAD ELF!!!
We wouldn’t be where we are today without you guys, so get ready for our annual customer appreciation night!!!!
Troegs will be in house for their annual Mad Elf Night, and nothing says the holidays like Mad Elf. We'll be debuting their latest Mad Elf Creation: Mad Dreams!!!!
We'll also have some other Troegs powerhouses on as well:
Mad Elf (of course)
Blizzard of Hops
Nitro Chocolate Stout
And their Pineapple Lime Tart Ale from their Scratch Series!
For our customer appreciation night, we will also feature:
Free Snacks and Apps
Drink Specials
Swag & Other Giveaways!
At the end of the day, we want to show you guys how much we love our customers. Day in, day out, you allow us to be who we are, The Ruck. We hope this night can show you how much we really do care about you!!!! Cheers!!!!!!